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I’m thinking about buying a new car but don’t have the money to get the model I want outright. How hard is it to get car finance?

Thanks for your question. People rarely have the cash to buy a car up-front, so we’re often asked ‘is it hard to get car finance?’ Some lenders refuse finance because of a poor credit history or the driver’s age – but at the Car Loan Warehouse, we don’t think your circumstances should hold you back. That’s why we aim to make the whole process as easy as possible, whatever your financial situation.

If you’d like to see how we can help you, give us a call today on 0800 066 288 – or alternatively, you can apply online for a quick quote.

About The Expert

Jon Le Roux is co-founder and company director of The Car Loan Warehouse. Being a mad engineering and motorsport enthusiast, I spend more hours than is healthy, watching, reading or talking about cars, boats, motorbikes…..basically anything with an engine.