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I like the fact that you check out the seller before I buy my horsebox – what checks do you actually do?

Hi Kathy,

Thank you for your question regarding us vetting sellers. Part of our duty as responsible finance brokers, we are keen on checking both dealers and private sellers of all vehicles we finance.

In terms of a dealer, we will contact them directly and ask a few key questions which will ascertain they are a credit worthy seller, they have a Consumer Credit License and that the vehicle is exactly what it appears to be without any outstanding finance.

As we also finance horsebox purchases from private sales, once again the seller need to satisfy our questions to ensure they are legally entitled to sell the vehicle, the vehicle is as described and that there is no outstanding finance on the vehicle.

We feel that us asking these questions not only protects our finances but also your investment and affords you peace of mind.

About The Expert

Jon Le Roux is co-founder and company director of The Car Loan Warehouse. Being a mad engineering and motorsport enthusiast, I spend more hours than is healthy, watching, reading or talking about cars, boats, motorbikes…..basically anything with an engine.