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I’ve got a pretty good credit rating, and I’ve heard that a PCP deal is a great way to lower those monthly payments. I trade my car in quite often, so a personal contract purchase is ideal for me. The only thing is, I’ve set my sights on a secondhand model. Can you get PCP on used cars or just when buying brand new?

Hey! That’s great news that you’ve found the car of your dreams! Now we just need to sort the financial side and you’ll be on the road in no time. PCP finance works for both new and pre-owned cars, although this will depend on the age of the car. If it’s up to 6 months old then there’s no problem! Things do get trickier as the car ages, though – which is because the older a car is, the more difficult it is to accurately work out its final value figure.

Why not call one of our specialists on 0800 066 2888? Our friendly team would love to discuss whether your used car will be eligible for a PCP deal.

About The Expert

Jon Le Roux is co-founder and company director of The Car Loan Warehouse. Being a mad engineering and motorsport enthusiast, I spend more hours than is healthy, watching, reading or talking about cars, boats, motorbikes…..basically anything with an engine.