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Welcome Butts

November 22, 2020

The Butts School Advent Walk

Our walk is approximately 2 miles long. On the way you will discover 24 beautifully decorated Christmas windows, each with a different theme.

There’s an exciting quiz to accompany your walk with one question based on each window, along with a hidden letter in each to solve a festive anagram at the end.

We anticipate that you will spend between 60 and 75 minutes in total depending how little are your group’s littlest legs! There is no need to do the walk in the suggested order, or in just one session, so feel free to take it at a pace that suits you.

Our windows will be ‘open’ from 1st to 20th December. They can be viewed in the daytime but will also be lit from dusk until 7pm each evening.

About The Author

Jon Le Roux is co-founder and company director of The Car Loan Warehouse. Being a mad engineering and motorsport enthusiast, I spend more hours than is healthy, watching, reading or talking about cars, boats, motorbikes…..basically anything with an engine.